Be encouraged by the following videos from the field in Asia. In addition we offer challenging video messages by K.P. Yohannan that will both encourage you and spur you on to a deeper walk with Christ.

Touch Of Love

You will be inspired as K.P. Yohannan takes you around the world to see the “Untouchable” children of Asia through Jesus' eyes. His message will help you and your family better understand the heart of Christ, who calls these children His own—and gives us a chance to reach them with His eternal love.

Suggested Donation : $15.00

No Turning Back

No Turning Back, shot on location in India, follows a group of resolute young men training to reach the world at any cost. Watch how they live in a Gospel for Asia Bible college, eating from tin plates, sleeping on straw mats. Observe how they work, breaking the hard Indian clay with only hand tools. Hear how they pray—prostrate before the living God. And see them prepare, not only with books and Bibles, but with their lives as they share the Gospel with lost souls in nearby villages while still in training.

Suggested Donation : $15.00

Christ's Call

Christ's Call: Follow My Footsteps is a call to higher commitment. In this 41-minute video, K.P. Yohannan challenges us to follow in Christ's footsteps--steps that will deliver us from our self-centredness and cause us to impact the lost millions in our generation.

Suggested Donation : $15.00

To Live Is Christ

Feel the passion of K.P. Yohannan as he describes the life-giving power of total commitment to Christ. Be encouraged and amazed by real life stories of missionaries who willingly risk their lives to preach the Gospel. God can and wants to use our lives in similar, mighty ways if we will find our life by giving it away.

Suggested Donation : $15.00

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