Journey With Jesus Booklets

These short books written by K.P. Yohannan are tailored to specific topics and are packed with insight. You will be challenged to a deeper walk with Jesus as you read them.

Crisis in Leadership

K.P. Yohannan

Leadership is not all daisies. There are struggles and challenges that we hardly know exist until we are put into a position of authority. Join K.P. Yohannan as he addresses how to avoid the crises of leadership and press on to know Christ. (72 pages. Softcover.)

Suggested Donation : $5.00

Discouragement: Reasons and Answers

K.P. Yohannan

Ready to defeat discouragement and move on? It can be done! In this honest and engaging booklet, K.P. Yohannan uncovers the reasons for discouragement and provides practical answers. Find new hope and strength for an overcoming life.

Suggested Donation : $5.00

Dependence Upon the Lord

K.P. Yohannan

Don't build in vain. Learn how to daily depend upon the Lord - whether in the impossible or the possible -and see your life bear lasting fruit.

Suggested Donation : $5.00

A Life Of Balance

K.P. Yohannan

Remember learning how to ride a bike? It was all a matter of balance. The same is true for our lives. Learn how to develop that balance which will keep your life and ministry healthy and honoring God.

Suggested Donation : $5.00

The Beauty Of Christ Through Brokenness

K.P. Yohannan

We were made in the image of Christ that we may reflect all that He is to the hurting world around us. Rise above the things that hinder you from doing this, and see how your life can display His beauty, power and love.

Suggested Donation : $5.00

The Way Of True Blessing

K.P. Yohannan

What does God value most? Find out in this booklet as K.P. Yohannan reveals truths from the life of Abraham, an ordinary man who became the friend of God.

Suggested Donation : $5.00

Stay Encouraged

K.P. Yohannan

How are you doing? Discouragement can sneak in quickly and subtly, through even the smallest things. Learn how to stay encouraged in every season of life, no matter what the circumstances may be.

Suggested Donation : $5.00

That They All May Be One

K.P. Yohannan

In this booklet, K.P. Yohannan opens up his heart and shares from past struggles and real-life examples on how to maintain unity with those in our lives. A must read!

Suggested Donation : $5.00

Principles In Maintaining A Godly Organization

K.P. Yohannan

Remember the "good old days" in your ministry? This booklet provides a biblical basis to maintaining that vibrancy and commitment that accompanies any new move of God.

Suggested Donation : $5.00

Seeing Him

K.P. Yohannan

Do you often live just day-to-day, going through the routine of life? We so easily lose sight of Him who is our everything. Through this booklet, let the Lord Jesus restore your heart and eyes to see Him again.

Suggested Donation : $5.00

Learning to Pray

K.P. Yohannan

Whether you realize it or not, your prayers change things. Be hindered no longer as K.P. Yohannan shares how you can grow in your daily prayer life. See for yourself how God still does the impossible through prayer.

Suggested Donation : $5.00

Living By Faith, Not By Sight

K.P. Yohannan

The promises of God are still true today: "Anything is possible to him who believes!" This booklet shares balanced teaching that will remind you of the power of God and encourage you to step-out in childlike faith.

Suggested Donation : $5.00

The Lord's Work Done In The Lord's Way

K.P. Yohannan

Tired? Burned out? Weary? The Lord's work done in His way will never destroy you. Learn what it means to minister unto Him and keep the holy love for Him burning strong even in the midst of intense ministry. A must-read for every believer!

Suggested Donation : $5.00

Journey With Jesus

K.P. Yohannan

Walk the roads of life intimately with the Lord Jesus. This booklet shares how to stand with the disciples and learn from Jesus' example of love, humility, power and surrender.

Suggested Donation : $5.00

When We Have Failed, What Next?

K.P. Yohannan

The best is yet to come. Do you find that hard to believe? If failure has clouded your vision to see God's redemptive power, this booklet is for you. God's ability to work out His best plan for your life remains. Believe it.

Suggested Donation : $5.00

Journey With Jesus Series

Journey With Jesus Series, Volume 3

4 Booklet Set:
- The Lord's Work Done In The Lord's Way
- The Beauty Of Christ Through Brokenness
- Learning To Pray
- Stay Encouraged

Suggested Donation : $20.00

Journey With Jesus Series, Volume 2

4 Booklet Set:
- A Life Of Balance
- Seeing Him
- Dependence Upon The Lord
- The Way Of True Blessing

Suggested Donation : $20.00

Journey With Jesus Series, Volume 1

4 Booklet Set:
- Living by Faith, Not by Sight
- Journey with Jesus
- That They All May Be One
- Principles in Maintaining a Godly Organization

Suggested Donation : $20.00

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