Give a Gift, Change a Life

Help families escape poverty through practical gifts that show them Christ’s love.

You can give families in tremendous need the chances of a better life for themselves and their children through gifts like chickens, sewing machines and Bibles. Through you, people in Asia will see Christ’s love for them.


Kanthi had to fend for herself after her husband passed away, but her body could no longer handle the labour work she relied on for income. Her grandson helped her in the small ways he could, but Kanthi had to depend on the Lord. She trusted that He would take care of her—and He did.

GFA workers distributed income-generating gifts in Kanthi’s community, and she received a goat. Over the years, Kanthi’s goat gave birth to many goats. Kanthi diligently cared for her herd and earned income by selling many of the goats. The generosity of friends like you, who donated to provide gifts, has helped give this widow the joy of seeing Jesus provide for her.

Your donation to provide life-transforming gifts will spread this joy to even more people in need!

“When I found out that I was going to get a gift of a goat, I was very pleased, because that gave me hope that I can somehow carry my life forward.” —Kanthi

Winter Clothing Packet

Winter Clothing Packet

Suggested donation: $50

What better present for a national missionary or family living in the cold mountain regions than warm winter clothing! Imagine a family's joy at opening a package that includes a warm jacket, sweater, shawl, blanket and, in certain regions, socks and gloves. For just $50, you can enable parents and missionaries to work throughout the winter while their families are protected from the cold.

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BioSand Water Filter

BioSand Water Filter

Suggested donation: $32

Many poor regions of Asia have no source of pure drinking water. Using concrete and sand, these bio water filters remove impurities, providing water for drinking and cooking that is 98 percent pure. For $32, help provide pure water in an Asian village—and a chance for them to hear of the living water Jesus offers.

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Suggested donation: $30

On those blustery winter nights during the winter season, who doesn’t like to curl up under a warm, soft blanket? That’s not possible for many impoverished families in Asia. Many live in homes that lack sufficient heat and protection against the harsh winter elements. Your gift of $30 for a blanket will provide much-needed warmth and comfort.

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Suggested donation: $13 per pair

For the family of a Bridge of Hope child, a rooster and hen are not pets. They are the source of up to 40 dozen eggs a year! When the pair produces chicks, a flock develops that will provide nourishment and income for years.

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Medical Ministry

Medical Ministry

Suggested donation: $469

GFA World’s Medical Ministry teams of trained nurses and doctors visit dozens of villages, and Bridge of Hope Centers, ministering to thousands of people each year, all in the name of the Great Physician—Jesus Christ.

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Sewing Machine

Sewing Machine

Suggested donation: $110

"Sewing" Seeds for Eternity with the Gift of a Sewing Machine

Many families work as laborers; sometimes having to sell their children just to earn enough money to support their family. By providing a sewing machine to those in need, they now have a chance to start their own tailoring business. Once the sewing machine is given, classes are provided so people can start putting their new machines to good use.

Give a Family Hope for the Future

With the funds provided by making and repairing clothes in their community, people who formerly had no hope can now send their children to school and provide for their family. Please provide a practical gift in Jesus’ name to those who need it most.

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Jesus Wells

Jesus Wells

Suggested donation: $1,750

Jesus Wells, often located near GFA-supported churches or Bible colleges, provide hundreds of opportunities for missionaries to share the love of Jesus with the villagers who come for clean water. You can provide a Jesus Well for an entire community for $1,750.

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Suggested donation: $135

Many GFA supported missionaries spend many arduous hours walking from one village to another. With a bicycle a national missionary can visit three to four times as many villages in a day. A heavy-duty Indian-made bicycle can be a wonderful blessing for $135.

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Widows and Abandoned Children

Widows and Abandoned Children

Suggested donation: $90

Blamed for their husband's death, widows in South Asian society are viewed as cursed and left to fend for themselves. Abandoned children face similar circumstances and are forced to provide for their own livelihood. These precious women and children need to hear that Jesus loves them. The Widows and Abandoned Children fund provides GFA-supported missionaries with the means to help these beloved women and children of God.

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Suggested donation: $175 per pair

When a Dalit family receives your present of a goat or a pair of goats it will be a special day! Goats are hardy and can live in almost any climate. And a pair of goats produces at least two kids each year. Their manure is also good fertilizer. Your gift of goats will be a good way to bring a little joy to a poor family's world.

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Outdoor Toilet

Outdoor Toilet

Suggested donation: $780

Approximately 2.4 million deaths could be prevented annually if people had appropriate hygiene practices, including reliable sanitation. Nearly 20 percent of the world's population is forced to go to the bathroom out in the open. For only $780, you will help reduce the risk of common diseases by providing a family with an outdoor toilet. The external structure will vary, however each unit includes a dual-tank system for optimized sanitation.

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Gospel Literature

Gospel Literature

Suggested donation: $12.50

Help a national missionary share the story of our Saviour with Gospel literature to pass out in his village. Literature is treasured in Asia, so a packet of Gospel literature is a gift that you can be sure will be passed on and read by others.

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Holy Scriptures

Holy Scriptures

Suggested donation: $13

A chance to read the Bible on their own is a gift that every national missionary wants to give the people they minister among. You can provide a missionary and the believers he disciples with Bibles and New Testaments.

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Donation Summary


Our Stewardship Commitment

We value your donation and are committed to good stewardship of the funds entrusted to us by our friends and donors. All gift options represent GFA’s actual ministry efforts to meet the diverse needs of individuals and communities. Regardless of particular designations, monies are raised for ministry purposes, and GFA retains discretion to use donated funds in any manner that serves GFA’s charitable objectives.

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